Thursday, May 30, 2013

Preventing Theft In a Retail Fashion Boutique

Theft is a growing problem in the retail fashion industry that doesn't seem to be going anyway anytime soon. Each year, boutique owners lose millions of dollars in profits due to theft. In fact, the problem is so bad that it forces some boutique store owners to shut down their business. While there's no way to completely prevent all forms of theft, there are some precautions owners can take to reduce it. To learn more about preventing and reducing theft in a retail fashion boutique, keep reading.

You might be surprised to learn that over half of all retail theft comes from employees. It's not something owners want to think about, but the issue needs to be addressed if you intend on lowering theft. First and foremost, you should only hire reputable employees who are trustworthy. Hiring employees with criminal records isn't the best idea. Instead, consider the background, previous work experience and other accomplishments of job applicants.

Also, don't be afraid to set up a security camera in the back room of your fashion boutique. Doing so will allow you to keep eyes on your employees when they are alone with garments and accessories in the back. Just the sight of a security camera alone is enough to deter a number of employees from stealing. Instead of hiding the camera behind, keep it out in plain sight for your employees to see. Hopefully, this will make them think twice before stashing a garment or accessory in their purse or backpack.

Using a locked cage to store your garment and accessory shipments is recommended. Some boutique owners simply leave their products out in the back with nothing to guard or protect them. This is a nightmare waiting to happen, as the product is highly vulnerable to theft. A better choice is to store it in a locked cage where no one other than you, or anyone else with a key, can access it.

If you haven't done so already, you should invest in anti-theft devices for your garments. These are small devices (usually made of plastic) that are attached to the garment. The only way to remove them is with a special tool. As a result, most thieves try to avoid stealing garments or other products with anti-theft devices.

There are dozens of different types of anti-theft devices available for sale. The most basic type is a small plastic piece that attaches to the garment. Some of the more advanced ones, however, may contain ink, dyes, alarm triggers and even GPS locators. Generally speaking, the more advanced anti-theft device you intend on using, the more it's going to cost.

Monday, May 27, 2013

The Importance of Branding Your Retail Boutique Store

One of the biggest mistakes owners make when launching a boutique store is not branding their business. Unless you give yourself a unique name and edge that sets you apart from other retail boutiques, customers won't have any way to remember you. The fact is that all retail boutique store businesses can benefit from branding themselves. To learn more about the importance of branding and how you to take full advantage of it, keep reading.

Choosing a Name For Your Store

Branding starts by choosing the right name for your retail boutique store. Simply calling your store "Sandy's Apparel" doesn't really set you apart from other retail boutiques. Instead, choose a name that's both unique and tells people exactly what your store offers. It will likely take more work and time to think of a proper name, but it will prove to be well worth it in the long run. If you are having trouble, don't be afraid to seek the advice of professionals. There are even companies out there who specialize in helping businesses choose names.

By having a unique name for your retail boutique store, customers will naturally be more inclined to remember it. Generic store names are a dime a dozen; therefore, customers seem to forget them. If a customer forgets your store's name, they might not be able to find it again, resulting in a loss of revenue. A unique store name will be easier to find in phone books, the internet, social media networking sites, etc.

Spread The Word

Once you've chosen a unique name for your retail store boutique, you can then work on spreading the word about it. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of different ways to accomplish this. You can hand out business card with your store's name on it, have a free t-shirt giveaway day where customers receive a free t-shirt with your store's name with any purchase, or send out mail advertisements. These are just a few of the many ways store owners can brand their business. The trick is to always use your store's unique, official name in any promotional materials you intend on using.

Store Sign

Another tip that's helpful for branding retail stores is to use a large, prominent sign that naturally draws the attention of passerbys. The additional money it costs for a high-quality sign will catch the attention of drivers on the road, increasing your store's exposure.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Keeping Your Fashion Boutique Updated With The Seasons

Do you own or are thinking about owning a retail fashion boutique? It can certainly be a fun and financially rewarding business venture when done correctly. You'll be able to work for yourself doing something that you hopefully enjoy doing. If you are a fashion-minded type of individual, then you'll naturally love the retail boutique industry. With that said, it's important to remember that your boutique store needs to be updated according to the seasons. This is an all-too-common problem that results in the failure of many new fashion boutiques. Here we'll take a closer look at the importance of updating your store according to the seasons and how you accomplish this.

Garment Functionality

Have you ever walked into a clothing store or fashion boutique only to ask yourself why they would still be selling certain garments? Personally, I don't know how many times this has happened to me. When the temperatures begin to drop, stores will still be selling the same shorts, tank tops and t-shirts. Naturally, not many people are going to purchase light clothing such as this once the cold temperatures approach; therefore, the store owner is essentially losing money by wasting valuable product display real estate.

Of course, the same principle holds true for sweaters, jackets and other thick garments during the spring and summer months. If your boutique store still has the same warm-weather clothing out on display once the temperatures rise, you probably aren't going to make many sales.

Taking Into Account The Seasons

While it might be easier to leave the same garments and accessories on display for months on end, a more effective technique is to change the garments in your boutique store based on the seasons. Think about what the current season is, how long it will last, and what the forecast is like for the upcoming season. I know this might sound like common sense to some people, but you would be surprised at how many boutique stores overlook this simple concept. As the seasons change, you need to update the garments in your store.

There's nothing wrong with selling out-of-season garments, but you can't expect them to fetch the same price as they would in season. If you simply want to get rid of extra inventory, mark it down to clearance and then place it up for sale. Customers will likely take advantage of the low prices even if the garments aren't in season.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Common Pitfalls of Running a Fashion Boutique

Many people enter the world of retail fashion simply for the money it offers. When it's done right, running a fashion boutique can certainly be financially rewarding venture that opens up a whole new world of business options. The truth, however, is that the majority of people fail in this industry. You have to remember that retail fashion is a cutthroat industry that's not for the faint of heart. Unless you give it 110%, you simply aren't going to come out successfully. Here we'll take a closer look at some of the most common pitfalls of running a fashion boutique and how you can avoid them.

Pitfall #1 - Not Creating Strong Customer Relationship

When customers walk in the door, take a minute to greet them with a friendly "hello." Far too many retail fashion boutique owners overlook the importance of having friendly customer service, which ultimately results in loss of sale. Customers want to spend their money in stores that are friendly and helpful and not in stores that ignore them. Whether your boutique store sells men's, women's, infant's or teen clothing, you should focus some of your efforts on improving your customer relationships.

Pitfall #2 - Not Having an Online Presence

In today's internet-driven world, there's simply no excuse why a fashion boutique shouldn't have a website. Even if you don't plan on selling your garments or accessories online, you can still provide basic information to potentially customers, such as your address, hours of operation, printable coupons, etc. Having an online presence for your fashion boutique instills a certain level of trust in your company's brand. Contrary to what some people may believe, launching a website doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg. With just a couple hundred dollars, you can have a fully functional website up and running for your fashion boutique.

Of course, you can also go one step further by launching social media networking accounts for your retail fashion boutique. Places like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and Pinterest can prove to be more valuable than an actual website. Make sure you are taking full advantage of social media networking.

Pitfall #3 - Bad Hours

If you want people to come into your store to purchase garments, you have to be remain open at least most of the week. I don't know how many times I've gone to purchase clothes, or other products for that matter, only to find out the store was closed for no specific reason at all. There's nothing wrong with closing early on Sundays, but try to avoid closing down your store for entire days.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Maximizing Product Display In a Retail Clothing Store

In the retail fashion and clothing industry, displays are a key component to success. Your store can offer the most fashionable garments at the lowest prices, but it's all for nothing if you don't display it properly. Unfortunately, far too many store owners overlook the importance of garment displays, resulting in poor sales and overall performance. If this sounds like a familiar problem, keep reading and we'll reveal some simple ways to maximize your product display in a retail clothing store or boutique.

Waterfall Hooks

One of the easiest and most effective ways to display garments in a retail store is through the use of waterfall hooks (see image above). As the name suggests, waterfall hooks are designed in a diagonal shape to allow all garments to be seen. In a traditional hanger system, only the front-facing garment is noticed by customers, which ultimately limits its effectiveness. A better option, however, is to use a waterfall hook system. Instead of relying solely on the front garment to make an impression, you'll have multiple on display for customers to look at. For the price, there's no easier or better way to display a large number of garments in your retail clothing store.


We really can't talk about product displays in a retail clothing store without mentioning mannequins. Whether your store sells beachwear, maternity clothes, baby apparel, teen apparel or anything else, chances are it will benefit from the use of mannequins. These otherwise simple store accessories allow you to display garments in a way that shows your customers how they look on the human body. While mannequins aren't exactly people, they are shaped and built in a similar fashion; thus, providing an effective tool for displaying garments in a retail clothing store.

The secret to using mannequins as garment displays is to keep them updated with new outfits. Allowing the same garments to remain on your store mannequins will gradually lower their effectiveness. Customers who have seen them before will become immune to their marketing effect. Try to get into the habit of switching up your mannequins wardrobe at least once every week for optimal performance.

Hopefully, these tips will help you make the most of your retail fashion store displays. As previously stated, this an area that shouldn't be overlooked in the world of fashion. Customers want to see clothes before they buy them; therefore, it's your job to show them everything your store has to offer. Keep this in mind and don't be afraid to try new types of displays. After all, you never know if something works until you try it.

Monday, May 13, 2013

What To look For In a Retail Store Mannequin

Nearly every retail fashion store will benefit from the use of display mannequins. Instead of placing your clothes and garments on hangers, you can display them on a mannequin so customers can see exactly what they look like on the human body. The fact is that customers are more likely to purchase a garment or article of clothing if they know how it sits on the body. With so many different types and styles of mannequins available on the market, though, you might find it difficult to choose one. If so, keep reading and we'll reveal what to look for in a retail store mannequin.


As you may have guessed, mannequins are available in both male and female genders. It's important to choose the right gender for your store. If your store specialized in women's clothing, then you'll obviously want to purchase female mannequins. On the other hand, a general fashion store that sells both men and women's clothing will require both gender types of mannequins. Think about what gender your target demographic is and then choose your mannequins.

Torso or Full Body?

Another decision you'll have to make when shopping for retail store mannequins is whether you want a torso or full body model. Torso mannequins are great for quick and easy displays that require very little room. You can throw up torso mannequins with a shirt or jacket just about anywhere inside your store. Another benefit to using a torso mannequin is their inexpensive price. Since they are made without heads, they are naturally cheaper than full body mannequins, making them a smart choice for budget-conscious store owners who are looking to save money.

Of course, there are also advantages of using a full body mannequin, one of which is the ability to display accessories. Full body mannequins allow you to show off things like hats, scarves, necklaces, earrings and other accessories along with an outfit. Fashion stores that offer these types of accessories should definitely consider purchasing full body mannequin instead of basic torso models. It's a smart investment that's sure to pay off in the long run.


Lastly, consider what material the mannequin is made out of. A strong plastic or thermoplastic will naturally hold up more than some of the cheaper materials out there. In turn, this will allow you to get more use out of your store mannequin before it needs to be replaced with a new model.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Budgeting Tips For Retail Store Owners

Operating a retail store is no easy task. You'll have countless responsibilities and duties to perform each and every day in order to remain profitable. Whether your retail store sells electronics, clothes, jewelry, groceries or any other consumer goods, you'll need to have a clear budgeting plan to become successful. Here we'll take a look at some budgeting tips for retail store and businesses owners.

Expense Forecasting

Wouldn't it be nice to know exactly how much money your business will spend and how much money it will make in the months to come? Unfortunately, there's no way to tell what the future has in store for you. However, you can use previous sales and number to forecast a prediction for the future. Taking the previous sales, expenses and other data and turning them into a forecast will give you insight on what the future holds for your retail store. While it probably won't be 100% accurate, it will give you an idea of what to expect in the future, and this information can prove to be quite valuable as a retail store owner.

Hire an Accountant

I can't stress enough just how important it is to hire an accountant for your retail store business. When you are busy managing employees, ordering product and dealing with all of the other responsibilities that come along with managing a retail store, you probably won't have a lot of extra time leftover for accounting. This is why it's important to hire a professional accountant to do the job for you. They know the ins and outs of managing expenses and will work to balance your budget. Some store owners may brush off accountants as just another unnecessary expense, but the cost of hiring a professional accountant will prove to be well worth it in the long run.

Watch What You Spend

A third budgeting tip that's helpful for retail store owners is to always watch what you spend. Some people get stuck in the mind set that spending their company's money is different than their own money. The truth, however, is that the more of your company's money you spend, the lower your paycheck will be. Always be aware of what you are buying for your retail store and do your best to make smart purchases. If a wholesale product is overpriced or marked up to an unusually high amount, avoid purchasing it and look elsewhere. There are thousands of product suppliers out there; it's up to you to discover the best ones.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Many Uses of Display Hooks In a Retail Store

Display hooks are an accessories that each and every retail store owner should invest in. Whether it's jewelry, groceries, electronics or just a convenience store, chances are you will need display hooks to maximize your store real estate. Some retail store owners may try to get by without them, but unfortunately this limits how much space you have to display products. A better option is to make the investment into display hooks so you can show off more product in less space. Here we'll take a look at some of the many uses of display hooks in a retail store.

First and foremost, let's go over what exactly display hooks are, as some people are likely hearing about them for the first time now. Basically, they are small hooks (see image above) that are designed to pop into a fixture. Once the hook is attached, you can then hang products directly on them. The fact is that there's no easier or more effective way to show off product in your store than by using a display hook. It's quick, easy-to-use, and the end result works in just about any store. With so many benefits offered by display hooks, it's no wonder why they are considered an essential retail store accessory.


Is there a area in your store dedicated to pegboard? Certain products, especially small-sized units, seem to naturally fit better on pegboard rather than placing them on a shelf. After the pegboard is setup, though, you'll then need to use display hooks to store the product on. As previously stated, display hooks are designed to fit nice and snug directly into the pegboard. You simply tilt it slightly upwards, push it into an open area on the pegboard and lift it back down. It will then stay in place while keeping your product nice and secure.


There are also display hooks available to use on gridwall as well. To the naked eye, they look almost identical to pegboard. The only difference is the fact that gridwall display hooks are designed to fit into gridwall instead. They still snap into place using the same lift-up method as before, and they look almost identical. Just use them in the same manner that you would any other type of retail store display hook to achieve the most benefit form them. Before you purchase any new display hooks for your store, check to see where you intend on using them. This is necessary to ensure you purchase the right type of hooks.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Important Accessories For Opening a Retail Fashion Stores

Lets face it, opening a retail fashion store requires a different approach than traditional stores. Since your main focus is clothing and apparel, it's important to place an emphasis on displaying these items. Unfortunately, far too many store owners take the wrong approach when opening a fashion store. As a result, they leave a large portion of their revenue untapped. The bottom line is that you need to ensure there are certain accessories used in your retail store for maximum effectiveness. Keep reading for a closer look at some of the essential retail fashion store accessories.

Clothes Hangers

I know this probably sounds like common sense to some people, but you would be surprised at how many store owners overlook or simply underestimate the importance of clothes hangers. Unless you place on folding each and every garment for display on a shelf, you'll need hangers to keep them on display. Not only is this a better way to show them to your customers, but it's also helpful for reducing the amount of wrinkles the clothes receive.

So, how many clothes hangers do you need? Don't make the mistake of purchasing just enough hangers for the amount of clothes you have, but instead go over this amount for a security blanket. I recommend having at least twice the amount of hangers as you have clothes. Clothes hangers are a relatively inexpensive accessory that isn't going to burn a hole in your budget, so go ahead and buy extras just in case.


Another accessory that every retail fashion store owner should invest in are mannequins. You can hang your garments up in a dozen different places in your store, but nothing compares to using a mannequin. This simple accessory allows you to show your customers exactly how a garment fits on the human body; therefore, they will be more inclined to purchase it because of the reinforced feeling it offers.

If you own a retail fashion store, pick up several different mannequins to use in various locations. Some owners only place them at the front of their store, but this really limits its overall effectiveness. Instead, set them up in various locations at all different departments in your store. This will allow your customers to constantly see the mannequins while shopping in your store. Also, remember to keep them updated with fresh garments for maximum effectiveness. After customers have viewed garments on your store's mannequins, they may grow immune to its effect. Thankfully, though, switching the mannequins' outfit with new garments will create a fresh new look that's sure to grab their attention.