Thursday, May 30, 2013

Preventing Theft In a Retail Fashion Boutique

Theft is a growing problem in the retail fashion industry that doesn't seem to be going anyway anytime soon. Each year, boutique owners lose millions of dollars in profits due to theft. In fact, the problem is so bad that it forces some boutique store owners to shut down their business. While there's no way to completely prevent all forms of theft, there are some precautions owners can take to reduce it. To learn more about preventing and reducing theft in a retail fashion boutique, keep reading.

You might be surprised to learn that over half of all retail theft comes from employees. It's not something owners want to think about, but the issue needs to be addressed if you intend on lowering theft. First and foremost, you should only hire reputable employees who are trustworthy. Hiring employees with criminal records isn't the best idea. Instead, consider the background, previous work experience and other accomplishments of job applicants.

Also, don't be afraid to set up a security camera in the back room of your fashion boutique. Doing so will allow you to keep eyes on your employees when they are alone with garments and accessories in the back. Just the sight of a security camera alone is enough to deter a number of employees from stealing. Instead of hiding the camera behind, keep it out in plain sight for your employees to see. Hopefully, this will make them think twice before stashing a garment or accessory in their purse or backpack.

Using a locked cage to store your garment and accessory shipments is recommended. Some boutique owners simply leave their products out in the back with nothing to guard or protect them. This is a nightmare waiting to happen, as the product is highly vulnerable to theft. A better choice is to store it in a locked cage where no one other than you, or anyone else with a key, can access it.

If you haven't done so already, you should invest in anti-theft devices for your garments. These are small devices (usually made of plastic) that are attached to the garment. The only way to remove them is with a special tool. As a result, most thieves try to avoid stealing garments or other products with anti-theft devices.

There are dozens of different types of anti-theft devices available for sale. The most basic type is a small plastic piece that attaches to the garment. Some of the more advanced ones, however, may contain ink, dyes, alarm triggers and even GPS locators. Generally speaking, the more advanced anti-theft device you intend on using, the more it's going to cost.

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