Monday, May 13, 2013

What To look For In a Retail Store Mannequin

Nearly every retail fashion store will benefit from the use of display mannequins. Instead of placing your clothes and garments on hangers, you can display them on a mannequin so customers can see exactly what they look like on the human body. The fact is that customers are more likely to purchase a garment or article of clothing if they know how it sits on the body. With so many different types and styles of mannequins available on the market, though, you might find it difficult to choose one. If so, keep reading and we'll reveal what to look for in a retail store mannequin.


As you may have guessed, mannequins are available in both male and female genders. It's important to choose the right gender for your store. If your store specialized in women's clothing, then you'll obviously want to purchase female mannequins. On the other hand, a general fashion store that sells both men and women's clothing will require both gender types of mannequins. Think about what gender your target demographic is and then choose your mannequins.

Torso or Full Body?

Another decision you'll have to make when shopping for retail store mannequins is whether you want a torso or full body model. Torso mannequins are great for quick and easy displays that require very little room. You can throw up torso mannequins with a shirt or jacket just about anywhere inside your store. Another benefit to using a torso mannequin is their inexpensive price. Since they are made without heads, they are naturally cheaper than full body mannequins, making them a smart choice for budget-conscious store owners who are looking to save money.

Of course, there are also advantages of using a full body mannequin, one of which is the ability to display accessories. Full body mannequins allow you to show off things like hats, scarves, necklaces, earrings and other accessories along with an outfit. Fashion stores that offer these types of accessories should definitely consider purchasing full body mannequin instead of basic torso models. It's a smart investment that's sure to pay off in the long run.


Lastly, consider what material the mannequin is made out of. A strong plastic or thermoplastic will naturally hold up more than some of the cheaper materials out there. In turn, this will allow you to get more use out of your store mannequin before it needs to be replaced with a new model.

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