Monday, April 29, 2013

The Do's and Don'ts of Mannequin Displays

Mannequins are an integral part of any retail fashion store or boutique. These otherwise simple accessories allow you to show customers how a garment looks on the human body. There's no denying the fact that seeing a garment on a rolling rack is far different than seeing it worn on a human silhouette. The bottom line is that customers want to know what a garment looks like on the human body, and displaying it on a mannequin is the perfect way to accomplish this. However, there are some things you need to know about mannequin displays before you start using them in your store.

The Do's of Mannequin Displays

If you intend on using mannequins in your store, make sure up at least a few of them directly in the front windows. This is arguably the single most important display area in your store, so you'll want to take full advantage of it. When people are walking outside of your store, a well-dressed mannequin will instantly capture their attention and hopefully attract them inside. In turn, this will result in greater sales and more profits. But just how are you supposed to setup a mannequin in your store window? There are several ways to approach this, but it's usually best to stick with bright, bold colors to catch the attention of passer-bys.

Another tip that's helpful for using mannequins in a retail store is to make them tell a story. Far too many store owners take the easy way out by throwing a shirt and pair of jeans on their mannequin and calling it a day. Not only does this limit its effectiveness, but it's also boring and simply not interesting to look at. Instead, dress your mannequin out from head to toe with a full wardrobe, shoes and accessories. You can even go one step further by doing their hair and makeup.

The Don'ts of Mannequin Displays

Quite possibly the biggest mistake store owners make when using mannequins is not changing and adjusting their outfits often enough. I know it's difficult to find an extra hour or so to place new garments on your mannequins, but you must keep their wardrobes updated to maintain a fresh look. Allowing old garments to remain on your mannequins will result in a poor performance and customer response. Shoppers want to see new things when they go out to stores, so take this into consideration when you are setting up mannequins in your store.

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