Thursday, March 28, 2013

Using Mannequins To Display Store Apparel

Most retail apparel store owners will agree that mannequins are the single most effective selling tool at their disposal. Sure, you can hang garments on racks all day long, but it doesn't offer the same level of realism as a mannequin does. Customers are able to naturally see how a garment or outfit looks when worn by viewing it dressed on a mannequin. For this reason, it's a recommended accessory that every apparel owner should have. To receive the most benefit from it, however, you'll need to follow some basic tips when setting them up.

Choosing The Right Mannequins

First and foremost, you'll need to decide which types of mannequins will work best in your store. If you've never purchased them before, you might be surprised to see just how many different types there are. Some mannequins are designed with full bodies to model entire outfits, while others are basic torsos without legs or heads. Ask yourself what kind of clothes and garments you intend on displaying and then choose the mannequins that are best suited for the job. Remember, though, summer is right around the corner, so you may want to choose mannequins with the ability to display summer-wear clothing.

Mannequins also come in both male and female styles. If your shop strictly sells either men or women's clothing, you'll want to choose the appropriate gender for your mannequins. Trust me, you don't want to try and dress up your female mannequins in men's clothing or vise versa.

Going With The Season

If you are having trouble trying to come up with new ways to style your store mannequins, think about the current seasons and try to incorporate it into the design. As most people already know, the official 2013 spring season is now upon us, so try to use spring-themed apparel and outfits on your store mannequins. This generally means brighter, bolder colors with short-sleeve shirts and a mix of both pants and shorts. As the summer approaches, you can slowly begin to swap these items out for more "beachy" clothes.

Another little tip that's helpful is to check out what your competitors are doing. You shouldn't steal or copy their exact mannequin designs, but you can draw some inspiration by looking at them. See what colors and elements they are using. Sometimes all it takes is a little inspiration to spark a new mannequin idea.

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